Cape Fear
Presbyterian Church
Worship at 9am
Previous sermons can be found here.​
Sunday School at 10 am
Presbyterian Women's Bible Study
Presbyterian Women Bible Study meets every 2nd Saturday at 9:30 am. This Group brings women from all ages together for community, joy, prayer, and faith formation.
Presbyterian Men's Breakfast
Presbyterian men's breakfast every 3rd Sunday at 7:30 am. We like to say that the food is amazing, and the fellowship is even better!
"Little Lights" Children's Choir & Youth Group
The "Little Lights" Children's Choir and Youth Group are a joint ministry with Lillington Presbyterian Church ann gather every Sunday at 5:00 pm. The Little Lights begin with fellowship time, transition into growing in their faith, and end with joyful music. This fall the music will be geared toward our Christmas Program. The youth group (6th - 12th grades) gather at the same time. Each month we carve time for the youth to connect in community, care for God's world, and grow deeper in their faith.
Come to the Table
This cohort gathers monthly to share a meal and read scripture together. It is designed to form community and grow deeper in our faith. This year we have two cohorts gathering and both are working through the book of Matthew.
Book Club
We have a book club that gathers for a few weeks each quarter. This year we have read: Tattoos on the Heart by Father Greg Boyle and Everything Happens for a Reason and Oher Lies I've Loved by Kate Bowler. Please contact Barrett Payne, 818.242.1718, if you would like to join us for our next book study.
Unchurched Cohort
This cohort is geared toward persons who have never attended church or for one reason or another are not comfortable in church today; however, are still seeking and need a safe place to bring their doubts, questions, curiosity, vulnerabilities, and joys. Contact Barrett Payne at 828.242.1718 to learn more.
Serving With God
We strive to faithfully serve the needs of our community in various ways. Each week many of us gather and joyfully participate in Meals-On-Wheels. In addition, we support our community in three ways:
1. Food Insecurity: Harnett Food Pantry
2. Affordable Housing: Habitat for Humanity
3. Families and Children: Children's Hope Alliance
We also support God's global world through Presbyterian Disaster Assistance
Cape Fear Presbyterian Church loves Jesus, loves one another, and loves our surrounding community. We would love to be in conversation with you about what God is doing at Cape Fear Presbyterian or faith in general. Please contact our Pastor, Barrett Payne directly at 828.242.1718 or email us at office@capefearpres.org