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Today's Devotional - Thursday, April 9, 2020

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The Last Week of Jesus


“Maundy Thurday”


Mark 14:12 - 72


      For Jesus the events set in motion on Wednesday began to unfold on the day that is called “Maundy Thursday”. “Maundy Thursday” begins the most solemn part of Jesus’ Last Week. The word “Maundy” actually comes from the Latin word for “mandate” which is what the new commandment was called that, according to John 13:34, Jesus gave to His disciples during that Last Supper.


      This solemn Thursday if full of drama. Preparations had been made for a place for Jesus to have the Passover meal with His disciples in secret. Then at evening, as Jewish day’s begins, Jesus eats a final meal with His disciples. At some point Judas left the supper, though Mark does not mention it. Following supper Jesus and the disciples go out to Gethsemane for prayer. While He is there with His disciples, Judas returns with the religious leaders and betrays Jesus with a kiss. Jesus is then arrested, Peter denies knowing Jesus and the other disciples abandon Him. Herein is a lot to digest.


      At Chapter 15, it is morning, the Day of Crucifixion.


      There is so much to digest in this 14th Chapter. As you read through it, you will notice that there are number of differences between what Mark records and what is recorded in the other Gospel accounts. We must remember that each Gospel account was written many years after the actual events. Also, we must remember that each of the Gospel writers was writing to an entirely different audience and likely had material that was not available to Mark. When Mark is compared with Matthew and Luke, it is evident that Matthew and Luke followed Mark’s basic outline of the events of Jesus’ ministry but Matthew and Luke also had additional material and, in some instances, gives different slants on interpretation.


      Back to Mark and how he interprets these events. Even if you have read this before, as you read it again, you may see something new. So, read through this 14th Chapter now, then pause and ask:


What most impresses me, what seems to be the message from Mark?


      To be sure one of the central themes through this chapter and through most of this Gospel, is the number of times that the disciples have misunderstood the teaching of Jesus and have failed to take in the seriousness of the way that He was traveling —- the way to the cross.


       In this 14th Chapter, notice how those misunderstandings turn into denial, betrayal, and total abandonment. Notice the verses that follow verse 18, verse 27, verse 50, and then verses 66-72. Even Peter, the staunchest of the disciples, failed.


If we had been there would we have failed too?


     So, what about our loyalty, our faith also? Will we be able to follow Jesus, now that times are getting serious and the future is less than bright for us, for our loved one, even for our church during this time of separation. How are we fairing through these times?






O God, show us clearly the way to follow Jesus.

Even though a cross does not loom in front of us like it did for Jesus on that fateful Thursday so long ago, We may yet be destined for illness or even death from this insidious virus. Whenever we have to face distress or hardship, may we know that You are there with us. Teach us how to dispense with unnecessary things in order to place ourselves in line and on track with Your way. Strength us, then O Lord, for whatever lies ahead for us all.


May we continue to be thankful for Your surrounding love and for all those of Your servants who are giving of themselves in multitudes of ways to tend the sick, to feed the hungry, to comfort the bereaving and many other tasks that show forth Your love at work. In Jesus name we pray. Amen.


      May all of you stay safe and well. If I or one of the elders can be of any help at all, do not hesitate to call.


- Roger


      Remember Easter Sunday is our Special Offering of “One Great Hour of Sharing.” Your gifts may be sent to CFPC, PO Box 1332, Lillington, 27546. The daily news affirms that there are many needs and this offering will help to alleviate some of those needs.




Prayer Requests


      The following are prayer requests.  Any prayer request that any one sends to me will be put on our WEB site and will stay until asked to remove it.


      Therefore remember not only the requests but also family members in prayer.  As we all know, the sick cannot have visitation, making them feel a deeper sense of loneliness; so we must lift them by prayer into God care, that He may comfort them with His love.


  1. Report from Donna Boyle concerning her granddaughter in Pennsylvania, who was shot from an unknown source as she was traveling to work several weeks ago.  Donna is beginning to hear some encouraging reports lately, but her granddaughter will still be sometime recovering.

  2.  Debbie Matthews, Joyce Lamm's sister, has had her cancer operation postponed for about 3 weeks, because of the pandemic crisis. However, Joyce reports, that the doctor has told her that when he does do the surgery, she should fair very well. 


      If there are any other concerns that we need to share with one another, please let me know at 910-617-3468.  We want to keep the above and all others in need in our prayers.


      Also remember our Church family, all medical personnel, first responders, the sacrifice of many volunteers and our national and world leaders.

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