Cape Fear
Presbyterian Church
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Today's Devotional - Friday, April 10, 2020
The Last Week of Jesus
“Good Friday”
Mark 15:1 - 47
Mark’s story of Good Friday (the word “Good” may be a corruption of “God’s” Friday), is laid out in three-hour intervals:
from dawn to the 3rd hour, “they crucified Him.” (vss.1-25); -from the 3rd hour to the 6th hour, He was reviled “with those who were crucified with Him”, (vss. 26-32); -from the 6th hour to the 9th hour, darkness covered the land (v.33); -at the 9th hour Jesus “cried with a loud voice . . . . and breathed His last”, (vss. 34-37).
In verses 38 and 39 Mark gives witness to 2 significantly symbolic events. The first is this: “the curtain of the temple was torn in two, from top to bottom.” That curtain separated the Holy of Holies, where God resided, from the rest of the Temple, and from all of the people except the high priest who, according to Leviticus 16, could go behind that curtain into the presence of God, once a year on the Day of Atonement. The “rending of the veil” symbolized for the Christian Faith that all now have totally unhindered access to God’s presence as a result of Jesus’ death.
Then at verse 39, is possibly the most startling affirmation of the whole of Mark’s Gospel:
“when the centurion, who stood facing Him, saw that He thus breathed His last, said, ‘Truly this man was the Son of God!’”
That Roman Centurion was the first human in Mark’s gospel to call Jesus “God’s Son. (As a Roman centurion, he was pledged to the Roman emperor as Lord, Savior and as Son of God, meaning the son of the god that the Romans worshiped.) Yet, as he witnessed the death of Jesus, he was transformed and enabled to profess:
“Truly this man was the Son of God.”
To be sure in his mind this man whom the empire had executed was the “True Son of God,” not the Caesar.
Verses 40 and 41 bear witness to the women who had followed Jesus from Galilee. They had come to witness His death, none of the disciples came.
Verse 42 - 47, detail The concluding section that deals with Jesus’ burial. Joseph of Arimathea, a member of the council.Bless Apparently he had distanced himself from those other council members who were a party to Jesus mock trials, torture and crucifixion. He went to Pilate for permission to take the body of Jesus so he could bury Jesus in a special tomb. This chapter ends by naming 2 of the women who saw where Jesus was buried.
There is a lot here for us to ponder:
The fact of the cruelty with which the Jewish religious hierarchy and the domination of the Roman Empire put to death one who stood for peace and love.
Also, the fact that a Roman centurion was able to see in Jesus something that the disciples had failed to see.
There may be other points to ponder, like have we exhibited any of the attitudes or traits that are portrayed in this Gospel account? Have we betrayed Jesus or denied Him or misunderstood His teachings? Have we failed to speak out for justice and truth,as Jesus did, or have we misquoted His teaching to put us in a better light with others?
O God, give us a new vision of life, enable us to see more clearly the way to life by following faithfully our Lord Jesus Christ. Enlighten our understanding, inflame our love, and enable us to walk the way of the cross.
Hear our prayers for the sick, the needy, the bereaving and fill the needs of any whose lives lack a measure of Your peace. Bless also all who have labored so tirelessly to help the suffering through this pandemic. We pray that our time separated from loved ones and friends may be shorten. Yet, as we wait, enable us to be patient and to find ways and works that will draw us closer to You. Here our prayer also for specific ones whom we name before You . . . . .
And now may Jesus Christ, who was obedient to death, even death on a cross, guide, encourage, and protect us, now and forever.
I have no particular news on our sick other than what I have already shared. However, if you know of any, please contact me:
910-617-3468 or email rhorne2422@aol.com.
Remember Easter Sunday is our Special Offering of “One Great Hour of Sharing.” Your gifts may be sent to CFPC, PO Box 1332, Lillington, 27546. The daily news affirms that there are many needs and this offering will help to alleviate some of those needs.
Prayer Requests
The following are prayer requests. Any prayer request that any one sends to me will be put on our WEB site and will stay until asked to remove it.
Therefore remember not only the requests but also family members in prayer. As we all know, the sick cannot have visitation, making them feel a deeper sense of loneliness; so we must lift them by prayer into God care, that He may comfort them with His love.
Report from Donna Boyle concerning her granddaughter in Pennsylvania, who was shot from an unknown source as she was traveling to work several weeks ago. Donna is beginning to hear some encouraging reports lately, but her granddaughter will still be sometime recovering.
Debbie Matthews, Joyce Lamm's sister, has had her cancer operation postponed for about 3 weeks, because of the pandemic crisis. However, Joyce reports, that the doctor has told her that when he does do the surgery, she should fair very well.
If there are any other concerns that we need to share with one another, please let me know at 910-617-3468. We want to keep the above and all others in need in our prayers.
Also remember our Church family, all medical personnel, first responders, the sacrifice of many volunteers and our national and world leaders.