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Today's Devotional - Sunday, April 12, 2020

 An Easter Message


    An Easter Message may be a little harder to hear this Sunday. Particularly since most of what we have been hearing and experiencing for the last few weeks has been more like that Friday that our Lord experienced so long ago. The message that has dominated the media and our lives for these past weeks and more has been about the suffering and death caused by Covid-19.


     Yet on the other hand, maybe that will make this the best time to hear the Easter Message. It is at times such as these that not only do we want to hear good news, we need to hear good news. I remember again a news commentator (Gabriel Heatter) of World War II days, whose sign on words were:


“There’s good news tonight.”


      Well, there is good news, good news of the Gospel originated during the worst of times. Jesus had been cruelly crucified, put to death, in the worst possible way, by the collaboration of the Jewish religious officials and the Roman imperialists. They put Him to death, outside the walls of Jerusalem, in order to preserve their evil ways.


     But God had other plans. When God began to disclose His plan, that definitive “good news” was about to be born.


      It started in such a simple way. Women went to the tomb to finish burial preparations which could not be completed because of the advent of the Sabbath. So, early on that Sunday morning, as we calculate the days, they went to the tomb and, behold they found the stone rolled away and the tomb was empty. In the initial awe and maybe fear Mark tells us that the women fled the tomb.


      Matthew, writing 20 or so years later than Mark, gives a more elaborate account about the women seeing an angel who had rolled back the stone and told the women:


“Do not be afraid, for I know that you seek Jesus who was crucified. He is not here; for he has risen, as he said, Come, see the place where he lay.”


      They go quickly and tell His disciples . . . .


      Luke tells of two who were on their way to Emmaus later that day, when a stranger came along beside them. They talked until the 2 got to their destination, where they invited the stranger to sup with them. At that meal the actions of that stranger, open their eyes and they beheld Him as the Risen Lord, who was that stranger, and He vanished out of their sight. They then ran with haste back to Jerusalem to tell the other disciples.


      The Apostle Paul, who wrote earlier than anyone to give an account of the Resurrection of Jesus, did so in I Corinthians 15:5-8, listing a host of appearances of the Resurrected Lord.


      That first Easter was that great day in which so many witnessed the Resurrected Lord. Then and now its proclamation is the same. Death has been conquered, once for all time’s sake. So, now, when we see those filled body bags across our television screens, let them remind us that for them and for all, death is not the last.


      Jesus has made it a doorway, a door way into life everlasting. It is as Jesus promised those disciples (John 14:3)


“Where I am you may be also.”


      That is the Good News, that is the Gospel. Let that Good News resound in your mind, in your heart, and in your life. It is here today and every day hereafter.


      And, if I could, I would like to ask you to stand with me and sing together the Hallelujah, Chorus:


For the Lord God omnipotent reigneth

Hallelujah, hallelujah, hallelujah, hallelujah For the Lord God

omnipotent reigneth Hallelujah, hallelujah, hallelujah, hallelujah For

the Lord God omnipotent reigneth (Hallelujah, hallelujah, hallelujah,

hallelujah) For the Lord God omnipotent reigneth (Hallelujah,

hallelujah, hallelujah, hallelujah)Hallelujah, hallelujah, hallelujah,

hallelujah (Hallelujah, hallelujah, For Lord God omnipotent reigneth

(Hallelujah, hallelujah, hallelujah, hallelujah) Hallelujah The Kingdom of

this world Is become The Kingdom of our Lord And of His Christ And of

His Christ And He shall reign forever and ever And He shall reign

forever and ever (And He shall reign forever and ever) And He shall

reign forever and ever (And He shall reign forever and ever)





     And now may the brightness of Your Glory, O God, which has shone so brightly through Your image among us, Jesus, our Lord, shine through the frailty of our human flesh. Help us to share Your immortality in the Spirit. Let no shadow of the grave terrify us, and no fear of darkness turn our hearts and minds from You. Lift also into Your comforting and healing presence all who are suffering in our community, nation and world from this dread virus. Add Your strength, and our thanksgiving, to all who are sharing Your loving and helping hand to those who are suffering. Comfort also those who are bereaving that through their lose, they come to know that a new tie has been established with You, in Your eternal kingdom.

Further, may we patiently wait for the day when we can again worship You in the fuller fellowship of Your Church. To You, then, be the glory and the praise as the One who is the first and the last, the Living One who is our immortal Savior and Lord.



      I want to thank Cameron for his dedication at making this devotions available to you, to our elders for their contacts, for those others who have reached out in ways known and unknown to share greetings, comfort and warm blessings during this time of our isolation from one another.


Happy Resurrection Day to your all,



      I have no particular news on our sick other than what I have already shared. However, if you know of any, please contact me:


910-617-3468 or email





      Remember Easter Sunday is our Special Offering of “One Great Hour of Sharing.” Your gifts may be sent to CFPC, PO Box 1332, Lillington, 27546. The daily news affirms that there are many needs and this offering will help to alleviate some of those needs.




Prayer Requests


      The following are prayer requests.  Any prayer request that any one sends to me will be put on our WEB site and will stay until asked to remove it.


      Therefore remember not only the requests but also family members in prayer.  As we all know, the sick cannot have visitation, making them feel a deeper sense of loneliness; so we must lift them by prayer into God care, that He may comfort them with His love.


  1. Report from Donna Boyle concerning her granddaughter in Pennsylvania, who was shot from an unknown source as she was traveling to work several weeks ago.  Donna is beginning to hear some encouraging reports lately, but her granddaughter will still be sometime recovering.

  2.  Debbie Matthews, Joyce Lamm's sister, has had her cancer operation postponed for about 3 weeks, because of the pandemic crisis. However, Joyce reports, that the doctor has told her that when he does do the surgery, she should fair very well. 


      If there are any other concerns that we need to share with one another, please let me know at 910-617-3468.  We want to keep the above and all others in need in our prayers.


      Also remember our Church family, all medical personnel, first responders, the sacrifice of many volunteers and our national and world leaders.

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Hours: Worship Service ....... 9 am

             Sunday School ..........10 am


Pastor: Rev. Barrett Payne


2793 Hwy 210 N. / PO Box 1332 Lillington, NC 27546


Phone: 910-919-8134


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